Called to Create by Jordan Raynor
Whether you are a Christian or not, Called to Create is an excellent book in which you will find positive, enriching motivation for your work and your life’s calling. If you are a Christian and do feel a spiritual connection with God and faith--this book has the potential to drastically improve your outlook on work and what you’re meant to do in life. Through scripture, personal experience, and stories from other entrepreneurs and business owners both big and small...Mr. Raynor shows us how we can model ourselves after God whom the author cleverly considers to be the first entrepreneur, or original creator of product and work. Raynor also gives us examples from the life of Jesus and the lives of the apostles to show how what we do as workers, producers, and creators can have a meaningful impact on those around us. If, that is, we keep our focus on the correct things, keep our thoughts righteous, and point our minds, souls, and hearts in the right direction.

Called to Create is organized very well and expertly written. The author has divided his information into sections: Calling, Creating, Challenges, and Charge. Throughout his writing, he revisits important lessons and phrases from previous sections, continually reinforcing his points, and showing how all we’ve learned through his book is connected and guided by a firm faith in God.

Here are a few quotes and passages from the book that really caught my attention:

“The highest calling is not being a pastor but becoming all good called you to be, namely a person who glorifies God in all you do.” (quote from DC Comics artist Dave Gibbons) Now, this is not to say that being a pastor is not wonderful--it is! Working as a lifelong volunteer is great. Starting a nonprofit is amazing. But so is being an entrepreneur or an employee at a company or a coach, or whatever you’re called to do. Just let the light of God shine through you when you do your work and you will find yourself right where you’re meant to be.

“The second half of Colossians 3:23 says “[Work] for the Lord, not for human masters.” Then Mr. Raynor goes on to say “...let your (work) be a means of revealing God’s character and loving others, then we have proper ambition to write, work, and create like we are running out of time-because in fact, we are!” So what I take from this is rejoice in life, rejoice in work...not for your boss, but for God and for love. See your work as a means to serve others and serve your family and let this improve your attitude and performance.

“For those who are called to create, our faith should impact every aspect of our entrepreneurial endeavors, from our motivations for creating the products we choose to create to how we operate our ventures.” So here, if you are a Christian, this makes sense that you will want to seek God in all you do to keep a firm base and feel good about your work. If you are unsure about God and aren’t there yet--you can still root your work in a belief in a higher a feeling of serving others and doing what’s good and right so that you are guided by positive principles.

“...there is perhaps no clearer way for Christians to set themselves apart from the world than by prioritizing people over profit and everything else.” This is tough, but extremely important. I look at this as prioritizing both the people you work with, and the people you are creating or working for...and good things will come from it.

After quoting some meaningful scripture, Mr. Raynor writes this: “But believing that our hustle is what is responsible for producing results in our ventures would be like the Israelites believing that shouting brought an impenetrable fortress crumbing to the ground. All throughout Scripture, God reminds us of who deserves the credit for producing success and wealth...” I like this because work takes hustle, it takes constant thought and effort, most of the time. But we mustn’t get caught up in it and think that it’s just all about effort and hustle. Faith in a higher purpose and doing what is right, while hustling, is what’s imperative.

“For those who are called to create, this means that while we should certainly hustle, we must first trust in God who, throughout history, has been faithful to provide for His people. If we trust God’s character and steward the talents He has given us well, we can rest knowing that the results are in His hands, that He is in control and is working everything for our good.” This is another very difficult point to take in--whether Christian or not. Work hard, but trust God, and allow yourself time to rest your mind, body, and soul. Be with family, be with yourself, no matter which, there are times when you must...just be.

In the last section of the book, “Charge”, Mr. Raynor’s message is basically this: “Everyone who is called to create is on a mission to reveal God’s character, love others, and, yes, create disciples.” Reflect Christ in what you do. Or, if you don’t have a connection with Jesus, reflect his historical good character, his righteousness in what you do. Be a good person, do good things, and good will come back to you or at the least, your heart will be satisfied knowing it is beating for the right reasons.

I highly recommend this book for anyone who works, volunteers, teaches, leads, acts, sings, creates art of any form...basically to anyone who does any kind of activity in this world. Feeling a call to a higher purpose is soothing, inspiring, and respectable...and it can make us all better at what we do. Trust in God and give this book a try, I think the content and author's words will open new opportunities for you and make you see your own actions much differently.

Happy Reading!